How to Grow Your Hair Faster

How to Grow Your Hair Faster
Many of our clients want to achieve long, healthy, lush locks, so a question we get asked often in the salon is, ‘How do I grow my hair?’ 

It’s no secret that at Buoy Salon, we live and breathe beautiful hair. This means that we love educating our clients on how to maintain their salon-quality hair at home and achieve envy-worthy manes that they can proudly show off on the days in-between their salon visits. 

Achieving longer, healthier hair all starts with how you care for your hair at home.  

Read on to discover our insider tips and recommendations for the best hair growth products, and you’ll be well on your way to a gorgeous, lush mane in no time. 

Step 1: Cleanse

You may have noticed that when you’re in the salon, we shampoo your hair twice. The first shampoo helps to clean dirt, grime, and oil, and the second wash ensures that all the dirt from your scalp and hair strands has been sufficiently cleansed. We recommend you adopt the two-shampoo approach at home, too; this will lead to a healthier scalp and, in turn, healthier hair.

Hair growth product recommendation: Kerastase Extensioniste Shampoo. This is a length-strengthening shampoo for slow-growing hair and damaged lengths. 

Step 2: Condition 

A great conditioner should nourish your hair and seal the cuticle after cleansing. It should also help protect the hair fibre by preventing future hair breakage. You want to apply your conditioner from the mid-lengths to the ends. 

Hair growth product recommendation: For slow-growing, damaged lengths, we recommend a length-strengthening conditioner, such as Kerastase Extensioniste Shampoo. 

To give your hair that extra TLC, we recommend using a hair conditioning mask one to two times per week. For very damaged hair, we love the K18 leave-in molecular repair hair maskThis four-minute leave-in treatment reverses hair damage and provides instant and lasting results. 

Step 3: Nourish 

Scalp maintenance is a vitally important but often overlooked step in achieving healthy hair growth naturally. A healthy and happy scalp = healthy, happy hair. 

 We recommend the following scalp serum: Kerastase Genesis Serum.

Step 4: Protect  

We are sure you’ve heard your hairstylist tell you a thousand times before to apply heat protection to your hair before you use a blow-dryer or hot styling tool, and now we’re telling you again. Heat protectant is a MUST when styling.  Although advancements in hot hair tool technology have meant tools don't expose your hair to excessive heat, heat is still incredibly drying and damaging to your hair strands, slowing down your hair growth progress. 

We recommend a professional heat styling protector: Kerastase Extensionists Thermique which provides protection against heat damage and works to seal split ends and reduce hair breakage. 

Bonus Hair Growth Tips 

In addition to using our recommended hair growth products, we also encourage you to adopt the following tips to improve your hair growth. 

  • Get regular trims. It may seem counterintuitive to some, but regular trims will help keep those unsightly split ends at bay and prevent further hair breakage, which ultimately slows your hair length goals. 
  • Add Selenium to your diet. If you’re a nut eater, opt for Brazil nuts—they’re an excellent source of Selenium, a mineral known to help boost hair growth.
  • Try Vida Glow Hairology supplement, formulated especially for people wanting to grow their hair. 
  • Show your scalp some love – regular massage and brushing will help to promote blood circulation to the scalp. 
  • Wear your hair in a slicked-back bun the day before your hair washing day and use an overnight repairing serum to give it that super slick look. We recommend Kerastase Nutritive 8-hour repair serum

Too impatient to grow your hair a la naturale?  

If you’re looking for *instant* hair growth, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. We offer Great Lengths hair extensions in-salon. Great Lengths hair extensions are keratin bond extensions that add length and enhance volume. They work naturally with your hair strands and won’t compromise the quality or condition of your hair. They are 100% ethical, traceable, and comprised of natural human hair that is hand-crafted in Italy. With over 100 colours to choose from, we can perfectly match to your hair colour. 

So whether you’re in it for the long but rewarding hair growth journey or you’re too eager to wait, we’ve got obligation-free advice in abundance and a range of the best hair growth products in NZ. Get in touch for more information or to book a  consultation.

Longing for luscious locks?

Book a consultation here

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